Solar Thermal Water Heater Program

Author:None From:None Post time:02/24/2012 View:3255

The Commission on California public utilities (San Francisco CPUC) October 06, 2011 established low-income California Solar Initiative (CSI) - Thermal programme.


The Commission on California public utilities (San Francisco CPUC) October 06, 2011 established low-income California Solar Initiative (CSI) - Thermal programme.
In a previous decision of the CPUC allocated $ 25 million in incentives from the programme CSI-thermal in order to promote the installation of gas, displacing solar water heating systems in low-income qualification single-family and multi-family residences in Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG & E) service areas, Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), and San Diego Gas and Electric.
Solar water heating systems to move the use of natural gas
"The CSI-Thermal program will offer greater incentives to customers who qualify under single-family and multi-family income who install solar water heating systems that displace natural gas consumption," said President Michael r. Peevey CPUC.
"This program will help to ease the financial burden of the low-income clients who otherwise may not participate in the program."
Solar water heaters are profitable for many applications during the life of the system
High Commissioner Timothy Alan Simon: "As the Commissioner assigned by the Supervisory Board for low income, rates alternate for energy in California, and the procedure of saving of energy assistance program, support the decision to implement the low income of solar water heating program of incentives for solar water heaters." they are profitable for many applications during the useful life of the system. Although the solar water heaters cost more initially than conventional water heaters, fuel running C 'C sunshine' is free. This allows us to achieve our objectives of providing cost-effective energy savings to low-income customers. "
Incentives for the qualification of a single family low-income customers will be 200 percent of the applicable CSI-Thermal level of solar water heating incentive
"I am happy that the incentives from the California Solar Initiative are offering to multifamily properties with natural gas heating, water so that the benefits of solar water heating energy saving can be transmitted to the tenants," said Commissioner Catherine JK Sandoval.
Incentives for the qualification of a single family low-income customers will be 200 percent of the CSI-Thermal applicable incentive level water solar heating, while incentives for the qualification of multi-family affordable housing will be 150 per cent of the CSI-Thermal applicable incentive level water heater solar.
Budget for CSI-thermal to be funded by the contributing collections of gas
The budget of $ 25 million for CSI-thermal low solar water heater incentives resources will be financed by the contributing collections of gas in accordance with law of the Assembly 1470, and as has been established in a CPUC decision. This low-income program will be managed by the same program managers that manage the portion of gas that moves the market general CSI-Thermal program, to know, PG & E, SoCalGas, and the California Center for sustainable energy.